Online Access for Detailed Coded Records
You are able to apply to view your coded medical records online. You will only be given access to information that has been recorded using an electronic code during a consultation with a GP or Nurse. You will be able to see additional information added as an “Investigation” (Laboratory tests, height, weight, blood pressure etc).
To access this service you will need to complete the Practice’s access to coded records application form and provide two forms of ID to our reception staff, even if you already have an online account set up.
You cannot register completely for this service online because your identity needs to be verified. An explanatory leaflet and application form are available from reception or can be printed from the link below.
You can use the add services option in patient online services. This will generate a task to the practice and we will send you an application pack.
We would suggest that you select detailed coded access and prospective access to see if this gives you the medical information you need. If you specifically need your complete medical record then contact the Patient Services Manager, Jutta Rawsthorne by telephone or using the admin request on the online triage system.
- Downloadable application for access to coded medical records
- Patient Online Access to Detailed Coded Patient Records Application Guide
Full Clinical Records Access
The practice is not currently able to offer access to full clinical records via online services.
Patients who wish to view their full record need to do so at the Practice by sending a letter, requesting this access, to the Practice Manager. For this service there may be a small administration fee charged.