Flu and Covid Vaccinations – Autumn 2024

Flu and Covid Vaccinations for Autumn 2024

This year we are hoping again to offer both flu and covid vaccinations to eligible patients.


Patients will be sent links to make direct appointment bookings and details of a dedicated number to take calls, for those who wish to book via telephone.  We would advise you try the link or using your online NHS App or Online Services accounts to book in the first instance and call if you cannot book directly yourself.

Clinics will be set up so you can be offered both vaccinations at the same time.

We cannot give RSV vaccinations at the same appointment as flu or covid vaccinations, so for logistical reasons we would urge everyone eligible to book to have their RSV vaccination in September.

Flu and Covid Vaccination Clinic Dates and Times (can be booked into from 2 September 2024 onwards:

All eligible patients can book into the clinics planned for the following dates
3, 4, 10, 11 and 17 October 2024

Children in an at risk group aged under 17 years in September or aged 2 to 3 years from August 2024 can book in to clinics on 23 or 25 September and any of the October 2024 dates.  They will only be offered flu vaccinations.

Pregnant Women can book into the flu vaccination clinics from September onwards and may have to book another appointment in October for a covid vaccination or if they want both flu and covid vaccinations at the same time.

TBC – we will be running some children only and pregnant women clinics in September.  Dates to be published and invites sent out once NHS England have confirmed delivery of the children’s flu vaccination.

NHS England have changed how we can run the flu and covid clinics this year.

From September 2024 we are able to offer vaccinations to the following group of patients:
Children aged 17 years or under who are deemed to be at greater risk from flu;
All Children aged 2 to 3 years on 31 August 2024;
Pregnant Women.

Please note that the practice does not offer covid vaccinations to children but we can direct you to alternative services for this.   We will be offering covid vaccinations from October 2024.

From 3 October 2024 we can offer flu and covid vaccinations to all eligible patients (eligible groups are listed further down the page).

We will also run mop up clinics but we would prefer for most of our patients to be vaccinated by the end of October 2023 to provide the best coverage to prevent anyone catching flu.

Who is eligible?
This year the NHS flu vaccination is being offered in General Practice to:

  • Adults who will be age 65 years and over by 31 March 2024.
  • People with certain medical conditions including children in at-risk groups from 6 month onwards For further information check on the NHS website at: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/flu-influenza-vaccine/
  • Patients in Long Stay Residential Care
  • Pregnant women
  • People living with someone who is at high risk from coronavirus (for example relatives whose immunity to infection is compromised)
  • Children aged 2 and 3 years on 31 August 2024
  • Frontline health & social care workers
  • Carers

We expect the same group of patients will also be eligible for a covid vaccination as last year and are awaiting final confirmation.

Children aged 4 years to 11 years should be offered the flu vaccination at school – this will be organised by the School Immunisation Team and they will be contacting parents via their children’s school.  Please contact your school to discuss if you have a query about this flu programme.

Aged 50-64?
If you’re aged 50 to 64 and NOT in a clinical risk group then we will not be offering a routine NHS Flu or Covid vaccination this year.

We apologise to anyone who would like this vaccination but the decision to change who is eligible for a free NHS flu or Covid vaccination was made by NHS England and is beyond the Surgery’s control.

If you still want a vaccination then you should be able to purchase a flu and covid vaccination via a local community pharmacy.

For more information about eligibility for the flu vaccination see the NHS websites at Flu – NHS (www.nhs.uk) or Child flu vaccine – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

How will clinics run?

Flu and Covid clinics will be run in the same way as last year, so please:

  • attend at your appointment time via the front door to the practice
  • CHECK IN is at the Waiting Room Desk not the touchscreen and you will be directed to whichever nurse is giving your vaccination;
  • patients are no longer required to wear a face covering
  • have your arm out ready or easily accessible
  • note there will be nowhere to store bags, trolleys or excess clothes, the clinic is open plan with limited privacy
  • leave promptly
  • avoid touching any surfaces wherever possible
  • do not attend if you or any member of your household that you live with has covid.

How to book
Text or email messages links:  The practice will be sending out text or email invites to patients who are eligible.  These messages will contain a link to allow you to book straight into an appointment.  This link will stay active for 7 days.  PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR DOB NEEDS TO BE ENTERED USING THE CALENDAR OR IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT USING YOUR OWN DATE OF BIRTH: 01/01/1966.   

Online Appointments – Appointments will be made available online for patients to book into directly.  Patients with SystmOne Online accounts (often used to order medication) or the NHS App should be able to book via this method

Telephone – patients can call directly on 01525 723762.  This number will be available from 2 September 2024 after 10.00 am until 6 pm Monday to Fridays for flu and covid bookings.  Please do not call before 10.00 am or between 1 to 2 pm as staff will be working on other duties.

If you call this number for another reason then you may be redirected to the main switchboard number.  This line is prioritised for taking flu, covid and RSV vaccination bookings ONLY.

Online Triage: You can request an appointment via the online triage system but this may take longer and you cannot easily choose from the available appointment times.  If you are not sure if you eligible then contact us via the Online Triage using the admin query option.

Website – This year we will not be using the main website for bookings – patients are encouraged to use the methods listed above.

Why should I get vaccinated?
If you are invited to attend a flu clinic it is important that you do so, the flu vaccine won’t protect you against COVID-19, but it will help protect you against a serious and sometimes fatal condition. This is particularly important with COVID-19 in circulation because people vulnerable to COVID-19 are also at risk of complications from flu. When invited please take up your jab to protect yourself and others.